Melbourne Business Trip

Melbourne Business Trip: Unlock the challenges with accounting outsourcing

The new breed of outsourcing services is the answer?

Are you finding that running your practice requires more hours and resources than you have?

If yes you are not alone. Many accountants are telling us the same story, and some of them already outsource work overseas.

The good news is there is a new business in town, called Fourfold Australia Pty Ltd, directed by our own local accountant Stuart Bidwell. Why is Stuart involved? Stuart used to outsource his work to another business and became frustrated with the lack of communication, no consistency of staff, and poor quality of work.

When Stuart outsourced to Fourfold Global in India and was so impressed, he started Fourfold Australia as a joint venture with us.

Stuart will share everything he has learned with interested accountants and will run through his dos and don’ts of accounting outsourcing.

Everything will seem easier after meeting with Stuart Bidwell in Melbourne.  Stuart will be available from 05 to 09 September, 2022 to meet you.

With a thorough understanding from running a bookkeeping and management accounting practice since 2003, Stuart feels he may be able to help other accountants with similar issues.

  • Higher staffing costs
  • Doing long hours only to pay more to staff?
  • Are staff leaving after you train them?
  • Are you struggling to balance your work and personal life?
Consider changing your world by outsourcing to Fourfold Australia.

Bookings are limited to 4 per day and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Testimonials are available on request.
Schedule a Meeting:


Date: 05 to 09 September, 2022

Or kindly fill up the form below